Of course.
Manila Living
Burying the Villa Savoye
Destination Necropolis
The Igualada Levee
The Hanging Cemetery of Babylon
The Cenotaph Machine
Cemeteries as Major Disaster Response Protocol
The geography of displacement
Memento Mori
The Kuiper Belt Necropolis
Landscape architects as landscapes
Forever Fernwood, Part III
Posting the Dead
Hill of Crosses
Forever Fernwood, Part II
Forever Fernwood
Nature is dead. Long live Nature.
A Little Columbarium in the Atlantic
A Little Columbarium Forest in the Arctic
A Real Columbarium in the Pacific
Neverending Days of Being Green
Acer necropolis
Here is the url of the blog from the Archives of the Sandusky Library if you would care to take a look:
It's much more than Eva Perón's final resting place :)
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