We rather liked collecting our posts on agricultural landscapes into one, so we'd like to do the same with our posts on fountains, in reverse chronological order.
On Charles Goldman's Public Fountain, 2006.
On Nicolas de Larmessin's hydro-couture.
On the Trevi Fountain as a bloodied protest canvas.
On Super-Versailles.
On the gushing wounds in the geological bowels of extraterrestrial landscapes.
On Diller + Scofidio's Fountain, 1997.
On Michael Cross' Bridge, a sort of interactive reflecting pool from which an outbreak of messianic prophecies, marian visions and apocalyptic auguries will precipitate.
On trailing suction hopper dredgers, perhaps our favorite machines.
On the interactive kicking fountain.
On some selections from the Visual Images Database of the Mississippi Valley Division of the US Army Corps of Engineers. Because is not the heavily controlled Mississippi River really just a fountain writ-large?
On the leidenfrost fountain.
On the centerpiece of Landscape Architecture: The Musical.
On the “45.5 Meteorite Craters Made by Humans on Their 45.5 Hundred Million Year Old Planet” Fountain.
On the WTC Memorial, or at least ¼ of it.
On Geoff's Earth-Fountain: Part I and Part II.
On the Machine de Marly, the greatest engineering marvel of its era.
On the datafountain.
Giochi d'Aqua
“rising like alien plants on the terraformed lakebed”
Fountain Throwies
Poule mouillée!
Lago Navona
To Io
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