POSTSCRIPT #1: Many have asked for the complete text; we relent: “Dos Personas encadenarons sus brazos al suelo en una galería subterránea a cuatro metros de profundidad para evitar, o al menos retrasar, el desalojo y derribo del inmueble que ocupan en el centro de sevilla.” Original.
Por favor un poco más de información, es escalofriante.
It´s the strangest post i`ve had ever seen in pruned.
Please give ur more information, its scary.
greetings from Chile
But I bet you really don't want to know.
For a reason.
You describe the diagram as "horror-movie-looking". But is it really? Don't you think it's the most hilarious thing in the world?
It's the imagined future of blogs. No quick fixes; all instant gratification delayed. Readers will have to do more than click, click, click.
In any case, you'll probably just be disappointed by the uncensored version.
If not, nice experiment testing the internet-researching-guile of your readers.
Great blog, by the way. I've made it my homepage.
what´s is for you the relation of this event (or the diagram itself) with landscape?
i made a vague effort to find out what this is and then gave up. my imagination took over and i believed it to be some kind of either bomb shelter or confinement cell. it seemed ominous, whatever it was.
so, mission accomplished and thank you. this was fun.
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