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Vicksburg Harbor Project
US Army Corps of Engineers

My favorite group of images downloaded from the now defunct Visual Images Database of the USACE Mississippi Valley Division.

US Army Corps of Engineers

US Army Corps of Engineers

US Army Corps of Engineers

US Army Corps of Engineers

All of which begs the creation of an Artist-in-Residence Program at the Army Corps of Engineers. Imagine what hydrological labyrinths would Mary Miss have constructed. Or what cryptographic alluvial hagiography of the Mississippi would Robert Smithson have written; the encryption key is in the meanders. Michael Heizer in coitus at Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory meets John Deer meets ThyssenKrupp Fördertechnik. And perhaps Cai Guo-Qiang in collaboration with Naoya Hatakeyama might be permitted the use of a small nuclear warhead.

Notes on Some Selections from the Visual Images Database of the Mississippi Valley Division of the US Army Corps of Engineers
  • some lo-cale loser
  • April 11, 2006 at 2:37:00 PM CDT
  • Trevi: It's a point that you are well aware of I'm sure, but your series of "what if?"s touched a nerve with me. These elements of the cultural landscape, this infrastructure, is not in need of star power for its edification. It is already amazing and its anonymous/collective/institutional provenance is an an inherent factor of its appeal. If it were a Michael Heizer project, we would not be allowed to see it and we would be shot if we got too close (but have you tried to visit a dam since 9/11?...Nevermind, I guess.)

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