One thousand and one Mississippi Rivers! (x2)
A pilgrimage to necro-planetariums!
Petting at the Transgenic Zoo!
Versailles in the Pacific!
A wound in the geological bowels of the earth!
The 2018 Winter Olympics in Chicago!
Landscape architects as landscapes!
Busby Berkeley's Lost Musical Trilogy: Adventures in the Mantle; Adventures in the Empty Quarter; and Adventures on the Continental Shelf!
Dugway Proving Ground!
TerraServer appropriated as a guerilla tactic, and Google Maps as acts of civil disobedience!
Of tumuli, moonrises, and a nice Par 3!
The iconography of extraterrestrial landscapes: or, Future Jovian Israeli-Palestinian warfare as a function of geomorphological abstraction!
So maybe that wasn't exactly 10 posts. And the following aren't even in our archives; they are among our favorite blogs: BLDGBLOG, Subtopia, and The Dirt.
In any case, thanks for visiting! And come often as you like!
Congratulations on that listing. Your complex hybridity is much admired in these parts.
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