“The largest natural crystals on Earth have been discovered in two caves within a silver and zinc mine near Naica, in Chihuahua, Mexico,” a Discovery News article reprinted here tells us. “Reaching lengths of over 20 feet, the clear, faceted crystals are composed of selenite, a crystalline form of the mineral gypsum.”

If you're thinking of exploring the Naica caves, you might want to bring along your own climate controlled biosuit and an ample supply of oxygen as the temperatures inside are an unbearable 150˚F with 100% humidity. It will be like walking into a blast furnace. One death has already been recorded, that of a miner trying to steal some of the crystals: “He tried to take some plastic bags filled with fresh air inside, but the strategy didn't work. He lost consciousness and later was found thoroughly baked.”
There are now plans to air-condition the caves.
I am the photographer and author of the infringed work detailed below appearing in the pruned.blogspot.com website at blogger.com
I have a good faith belief that the reported use is not authorized by me, the copyright and intellectual property owner, my agents or the law. I state, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in this notice is accurate and that i am the copyright and intellectual property owner of the infringed work. The infringed work relating to photographs of the Cueva de los Cristales, Naica, Mexico. ( Cave of the Crystals, Naica, Mexico) infringed work at pruned.blogspot.com http://pruned.blogspot.com/2007/03/giant-crystal-caves-of-naica.html
/Javier Trueba/
Javier Trueba
C/ Halconería - 22
28691 - Villanueva de la Cañada
Madrid - Spain (0034) 91-8162167
If you wont maintain this photograph of Giant crystal cave in
Mexico in your web you most credited:
(c) Javier Trueba / Madrid Scientific Films / madridsf@gmail.com
There are not public photographs.
Best regards
Javier Trueba
C/ Halconería - 22
28691 - Villanueva de la Cañada
Madrid - Spain Tel. (00 34) 91 816 2167
Móvil. (00 34) 659 473847
E-mail: madridsf@gmail.com
- marc
Ron Paul 08
from my own town ....gabriel.. chihuahua chih. mx
If the nearby mine is being drained anyhow, the giant crystals may be doomed.
I release all my Mars images to the public benefit, as it makes science more efficient and broadly distributed. Private ownership of 'science' should be outlawed worldwide. Very few persons in the public will ever see those crystals directly. The images are valuable and well done. A source link for them would have worked.
Humanity is killing those natural marvels, as everything else on the planet. That's maybe why those films about vampires are so popular.
You will definitely be finding me in those caves sometime soon. I wish there wasn't so much cartel trouble. Bus tickets round trip to that place wouldn't be more than about $150 USD, and I could camp.
Sounds fun.
The advantage is that you don't have to travel into the unknown.
Bring your passport. Anon
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