On blogs discovered recently or otherwise.
All-Terrain, “an occasional journal at the intersection of National Geographic and the kitchen sink.”
Private Islands Blog, for those wanting to buy their own islands.
Robotic Ecologies Lab. This, “an experimental energy-harvesting robotic glass house,” is interesting. Can it be turned nomadic? Moving, topsy-turvy-like, across the Illinois plains (or a super-mega Wal-Mart parking lot) like tumbleweeds? Or scurrying through Floridian wetlands in advance of hurricanes or through the Public Lands of the West to flee from wildfires?
Super Colossal Blog, formerly gravestmor. This post, on the perpetual traffic of New New York as imagined in Gridlock, a third series episode of the rejuvenated Doctor Who, is a recent great.
Virtual Sustainability, by Quilian Riano.
Waterblogged. On water!
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