When we posted this garden installation, called Dymaxion Sleeps by Jane Hutton and Adrian Blackwell, along with a few others from this year's International Garden Festival at Jardins de Métis/Reford Gardens, we only had that one illustration to use. The following day, thankfully, the duo sent us a few photos of their project as built.
The name of the installation comes from Buckminister Fuller’s Dymaxion World Map, whose geometry is copied for the garden's horizontal surface. This surface is made of nylon netting by Creations Filion, specialists in circus and performance safety nets. It is taut when empty and becomes hammock-like when the kids wade in. Should one choose to relax or sleep on one of the triangular spaces, below are beds of aromatic plants — lemon geraniums, lavenders, peppermints, catmints, etc. — to help you unwind.

It's probably one of the few gardens in the festival that's easily transferable to a modest backyard garden. If we had a garden, we'd install one.
Or above a patch of rainforest, first spiraling around thickly trunked trees and then jutting out like tendrils above the canopy. Or out in the middle of the ocean, moored to floating buoys, a respite for pirates, climate change refugees and Pacific Garbage Patch docu-cineastes. Or above just about anything.
Sonic Garden
Poule mouillée!
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