High-end-Kinko's-xerox-ine Junk Jet's latest issue, the statistics-of-mystics-issue, is now available to order via PayPal. And yes, it comes with a magic mask, which unfortunately has come too late for this year's Halloween.

Editors Mona Mahall and Asli Serbest write:
Junk Jet n°4 was combing through studios, laboratories, and garages to find those works and theories that make 1 become 2, 2 become 3, 3 …, works that make something out of nothing or nothing out of something, that discover new – even if microscaled – galaxies, that believe in alchemy and maintain a certain kind of apocalyptic thought; works that move from mumbo-jumbo to real magic and back.
Junk Jet daydreamt of alga plantations, cristal architectures, optical jamboree, synthetic foam buildings, multimagic rainbow colorings, of all that has the potential to question contemporary design and architecture and its statistical rationality. Junk Jet daydreamt of alga plantations, crystal architectures, optical jamboree, synthetic foam buildings, multimagic rainbow colorings, of all that has the potential to question contemporary design and architecture and its statistical rationality. Junk Jet nightdreamt of something that has the potential to fluidize what has become monumental, of something that speculates on speculation. Something that is able to create an alternative universe, in which thrilling transformation, mystic metamorphosis, and insane invention build up a modern wunderkammer, a visionary show window and a living laboratory. It asked for contributions from those who turn the everyday into the unique and the ordinary into the xxxxxxtra-ordaniary.
Contributors include Enrique Ramirez (a456), Jimmy Stamp (Life Without Buildings), Sam Jacobs (Strange Harvest) and Kazys Varnelis.

We also have piece inside as well, basically a reprint of our proposal for a wayfinding infrastructure of networked cyborg fauna, but without the images and the link to YouTube video showing Snow White as a sonic fauna-magnet. Luckily we were paired with Alex McCleod's cristal towers.

Note that 888 copies were printed, so get yours as soon as possible.
Flux-us! Flux-you! Flux-me!
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