Appearing for the fourth time here on Pruned is Busby Berkeley's marvelous ziggurat of interlocking limbs, spraying jets and titillating ladyflesh seen at the climax of Footlight Parade's “By a Waterfall” musical number. It's Hollywood's secular reinterpretation of Michelangelo's Genesis and Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel, those marvelous frescos with somewhat similar iconographies — interlocking limbs (of the damned and the saved), spraying jets (of Divine Glory) and titillating (man)flesh.
And oh yeah, after years of trying, we finally upgraded Pruned from Blogger's Classic Template to whatever the new templates are being referred to as, and this necessitated redesigning our layout. Let us know what you think.
POSTSCRIPT #1: New layout and new look implemented today.
And Georgia, I actually plan on posting something about that top banner, which changes color throughout the day making the parts of the subtitle readable and not quite so readable. It's not a permanent feature though.
Well done.
Just the "ON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND RELATED FIELDS" ins't easily readable because of the yellow.
:) But the new layout looks really nice.
And re: the top banner, I've just posted a little bit about it:
It's not a permanent feature, in case anyone was wondering. Just a temporary infatuation. But how temporary? Depends when I have enough stamina again to hack my Blogger template. Not being a confident coder, that thing terrifies me!
Again, thanks and let me know of any kinks.
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