The latest edition of Kerb is out now. Compiled and edited by students at the RMIT University of Architecture of Design, Kerb 19 is jam packed with “useful guides for navigating new post-evolutionary territories of design.”
They include cybernetic fireflies, bioluminescent billboards, genetically engineered sound gardens, digital herbariums, oyster farms, mycorhrizal extrastructures, rubblescapes, jellyfish houses and bacillithic erg-cathedrals.

These and and many others are “unified by an insistent desire to establish new, considered interrelationships with the natural world. This edition hopes to inspire design practice which works towards a methodology of porosity, integrity of intent, spontaneity and responsiveness. We are accountable for fashioning modes of production founded on acceptance of our role and place within the grander scale of things.”
Go get your copy today!
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